An Australian mate just received his US citizenship. We were laughing about it this morning, asking why the fuck bother...
He's a film maker, living here 18 years, paying taxes, doing all the right things so it was no big deal to get the papers.
Yet, he sees the US collapse coming and has left a relatively healthy economy in Australia... and we both smile, what the fuck...
He was happy, and so was I. The American Dream lives.
I have been blessed, and cursed, to work for a firm that has access to, or better yet is highly incentivized to get the Contrarian take on world affairs and markets.
Our view is this: The MSM is owned by the Corporations which rule the world, they are nation-states in their own right. Their main objective is to keep you numb, docile and believing everything is okay, fair and balanced, so they can keep selling their wares and looting Sovereign Treasuries.
We (I) are also biased in our worldview, our bias is to challenge anything coming out of the US government, or US media.
Therefore, if the the USG or BP or Goldman Sachs are telling you the truth, then we will be dead wrong in our assessment of world affairs.
An example I can share with you now in real time, is that while you may believe the BP well is capped and all is good, we believe that this is not true.
Why, you may ask? Well we have sources telling us otherwise and of much more massive leaks elsewhere (not on camera). But much more obvious to us than any evidence or credible sources is this:
Corporations are designed to lie to you. So, whatever they say, assume it is the opposite.
Ask Goldman Sach's clients...
Please also know this: The debates you have over this and that, are non-debates, they are smokescreens, distractions. Even the debates that seem real and do pull at your heart-strings like Gay Marriage and fake healthcare are all fucking smokescreens.
You are being manipulated, such that the real issues are never discussed.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild quote: "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws."

Learn about this quote and this man, learn about the Federal Reserve, learn how all of it affects everything you do, how it controls you, makes a slave of you and me.
What is heartening though, is that many of you are not buying it either. Less and less of us are swallowing the nonsense that comes out of Big Media and our Dear Leaders.
Many of us realize we are the biggest Banana Republic.
We have Socialism for the rich and connected, awful governance, dumb media, an often ill-informed populace, and lead the league in obesity food product as well as pharmaceuticals to cure said strangely ill populace.
Disaster Capitalism.
Yet they come, they come from across the world, the best and brightest still come...
Well, contrary to what my firm would say (so now I'm Contrary to Contrarian which makes me mainstream..??) is this:
We are still better. We are still better than Communist China. We are still better than Socialist no-growth Europe. We are still better than no infrastructure India.
We are the least worst still. The New American Dream is "Still better than my home country."
Oye vey. The Dream Lives.