The level of misinformation presented by Big Gov and Big Corporate and Big Media has reached catastrophic proportions.
But as Brad Blanton points out, IT'S ALL A LIE. All of it -at the individual level as well, and especially.
Moralism, he says, is killing us.
Our evolutionary predisposition to see truth as a permanent construct is killing us.
Truth changes in the moment, moment by moment. What is important is what is true NOW.
Our learned ability to fit into the mores of our culture, so as to not rock the boat, to be "good" boys and girls is KILLING us.
As children, to be "good", we start lying, and from there we create our "story" built on thousands of fabrications on top of that initial big lie: to be "good" boys and girls.
We carry around this tension, this stress from constantly lying all day, every day, selling ourselves, presenting our best face, never telling the truth.
This is killing us.
A big fucking lie. We are bullshitting each other all day long.
His solution: Start telling the truth. Everything. No withholding. To everyone.
Starting with anything left unsaid in your life ever. I believe this means basically telling off your parents.
Fuck you Mom and Dad!!
And then it means telling your partner everything. So, if you slept with your wife's best friend, you tell your wife all about it, how much fun it was...
Everything. Even your fantasies about your husband's co-worker that you want to fuck.
Let the chips fall...
You won't do it. And it will kill you (so he says).
Radical Honesty.
In our communication, we are constantly selling ourselves. How great we are, how pious, how exemplary, how much better we are than you.
Truth telling he says, is sharing, not selling.
Start telling the truth and you'll get "the unpleasant uncertainty of freedom". Start practicing it all the time, and you'll reach "the paradoxical state... of comfortable uncertainty."
You won't do it. You don't want freedom.
Maybe I don't either...
He does a great job of telling us why he wrote his book -basically to become famous and get power and to hate you. In that vein, I'm gonna do my thing here:
I wanna be famous too. I want to show you how fucking great I am, and how much better I am than you. I want your approval, I want you to love me and envy me at the same time. I want you to think I'm smarter, better looking, out of your league, way too fucking cool for you, way too rich for you...
I want you to read this, see my videos, and say, "Wow, that dude is advanced, quite evolved, I would love to have his approval, and his offspring!!"
I hate you. I am so fucking angry at everything.

I love you. I see beauty everywhere.
I feel better already.