Tuesday, September 18, 2007

post 1: Dow 330+

An auspicious day to start posting, no doubt -Bernanke the Tanke does the right thing, the Market rips, and here we are.

So first off, thanks for dropping by. My long story short is: 1) I'm really, really into yoga -in teacher training and all that, like Ogden http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFsEgwpLRTc

2) I'm also an MBA, worked on Wall Street slinging stock for the Mothership, quit that gig in August, and am now trading options for myself until I run out of dough.

My opinions are worthless.

Okay, glad that's over. So where are we? Right, big day. Here's my positions and recent history. I own the AAPL Oct 150s and the LULU Dec 40s as well as the LULU Sept 40s (now priced at 0). That's it. No, I don't believe in diversification. I'm 32 years old and just moved in w/ my Mom. I have no risk in my life.

Since, I started in early August, I've pulled out 80% of my initial capital to help pay for 4 yoga teacher trainings and a trip to India, so I'm playing (mostly) w/ the houses money. My big trade was buying the AAPL Sept 135s for $2 when the stock was at 120-ish and selling them for $7.3. I also bought AAPL puts (a strangle) when the common ran to 145 and sold those the next day for a double (a bit early).

It's been downhill ever since. I was up 80%+ in 3 weeks and am now up just under 30%. Still, not bad, and I still like my positions. Although, today was not that good for me even though the common (AAPL and LULU) did well -near term expirations sucking up the volume. Any who, I realize this option-speak may be a bit esoteric, so my apologies, I'll get to some juicier "yogatrader" stuff soon.

But just wanted to get this rolling and get my positions on record. Thanks so much for coming by!
