. . .saves the day. anyway, i'm kinda done rehashing my trades bc it's boring the hell out of me + no one is going to have any idea what i'm talking about.
okay, one more time: sold my BIDU and GOOG calls for gains, took a loss on my CROX calls, got long AAPL stock and Jan 200 calls to go w/ my Oct puts that have been clobbering me. also, got long Nov calls on RIO and BA (Boeing). feel better about my positions (less crazy town/ more in line w/ my over-all view -long global growth/ the calender/ mock t). BIDU helped me recover a third of my losses in the IRA (now down about 12-13%), and oh yeah, sold my Dec LULU calls for $8 in my cash account (which is up 130% and cashed out 180% of my principle). okay, confused. . .?
exactly, so from here on out, less trade talk, i promise. when i actually get readers, it will matter. . .
for now, don't pay any attention to me. oh, that's right, no one is reading this. . .
carry on.