We are in total self-destruct mode.
Federal Reserve Supreme Leader, Ben Bernanke is using one event: The Great Depression (hereby known as GD 1) as his template to kamikaze us into GD II.
It's based on his academic theory: that the problem with GD 1 was they didn't print enough money. Yeah, he wrote a fucking paper on it.
Rather than it being the excesses of the 1920s lead to the inevitable crash and decline, i.e. not fucking avoidable -it's physics, really.
Maybe he's right?
He's a lot smarter than me, and so is Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman, who basically agrees with him.
But where does common sense come into play? Here's a few questions:
1) How is the excess credit problem resolved through easier credit?
2) If we need the banking sector to get smaller, how does propping up failing banks move us toward that end?
3) Does a single infinite-variable event from 80 years ago, provide us enough statistical evidence to make any decisions about the present?
4) Have you studied Japan's bank rescue?
5) Do you have your bandana on?