Wow, we made it.
Okay, my posts in 2008 were, well, let's face it, my posts have been kind of depressing of late, what with GD II and all.
I hope that you were not made too sad, and that I kept you out of the stock market, or at least made you cry once if you are a banker.
But, this year, new beginnings!
No more sad stuff, just positive.
I for one am looking forward to hyper-inflation. It will be cool to buy a $70 tomato.
Also, I am now in the precious metals business after a 17 month rest period. Please know that this happened very quickly (like 2 weeks).
So, when I posted the Zimbabwe Currency in response to our light-speed-money-printing-bailout-bonanza, I had just begun the job search and had no positions in gold.
Then an opportunity arose that just about exactly reflected my take on the world, and I was swept up in it. Pure luck. Or I should say pure chance, because we never know what is good or bad luck until well after the fact.
If you know the Zen Koan, good for you.
So, just wanted to make that clear: the dog was wagging the tail here, and not vice versa, and you will always be made aware of my positions, and where my biases and financial incentives are at, in the moment, real time.
So, basically, now I have a very long position in Gold, Silver and Platinum.
Finally, I was wrong in my stock market 6k by Christmas call.
Not really.