Please, if you have any affiliation with a TARP bank, may you please commit hari kari or risk returning as a fly in your next lifetime.
This heist is common knowledge on the street and as the rest of humankind gets wind of it, Barry O. will have 2 choices. One, swat his Econ team of Geithner-Summers to their death like 2 giant bugs, or serve out his one term and join Jimmy Carter in the malaise hall of fame.
I voted for this guy?!
But, I still have hope he will come to his senses, and crush the flies.
Tyler Durden, Barry Ritholtz, Karl Denninger and a host of other bloggers have done a much better job on this meme, so I will direct you to them as I just don't have the energy to lay it all out here.
Bottom line: Barack Obama has been on the side of a small Wall Street oligarchy to the amazingly horrific detriment of the rest of the US population. Barack Obama is fucking the middle class, the poor, as well as the actual Capitalist hard working entrepreneur, to maintain the status quo gluttony of bankers like Ken Lewis, Jamie Dimon, Lloyd Blankfein and Vikram Pandit.
It's a travesty, for the country and for the man himself, a total waste of talent.
But he's had enough time to figure it out, and guess what folks.
He's just not up to it.