We were doing nonstop crazy Kundalini breathing shit, and I could not stop smiling even though it was killing me.
I am high still, my sushumna nadi is f-cking alive again! Ridiculous.
Here is a little treat for you: the definition of sushumna straight out of mutha-f-ing wikipedia. You're welcome.
Sushumna (alternatively known as Susumna) Nadi connects the base chakra to the crown chakra. It is very important in Yoga and Tantra in general. Alternative medicine also refers to Sushumna sometimes. In Raja Yoga or Yoga of Patanjali, when the mind is quietened through Yama, Niyama, Asana and Pranayama the important state of Pratyahara begins. A person entering this state never complains of Dispersion of Mind. This is characterised by observing the movements/jerks in Sushumna, the central canal in the subtle body. The movements indicate the flow of Prana through the central canal and in the process, the sushumna makes the way for the ascent of Kundalini.
Pratyhara, Kundalini Woman, I love you!!
Feel good, feel alive, Sat Nam.
And enjoy vid 4: