Thursday, September 11, 2008

Books, Links, Comments, Misc

Still crying over the death of Capitalism/ Western Civilization. Fear not, Milton Friedman, Josef Schumpeter, Adam Smith, Paris Hilton and Fredrich Hayek lovers.

It is still ALIVE and well!

. . .in Communist China.

Here is my Dad's book just published by Wiley and Sons, selling out at b-schools across the country. Per usual, I cannot link it due to GOOG blogspot nonintuitive engineering. Just fucking go to Amazon and buy it. Search Frank Gallo, 12 bucks, click, boom, done. And short Google.

And yes, I know it's like IMPOSSIBLE TO COMMENT here, which is exactly what I did not want, but what may be happening is, I may shift over to a dedicated site under name to be determined, and then we can get rolling saying fuck every other sentence as a community!

Thank you all for your kind words and support. It is an honor that you take any time here at all.

Much Love, Peace,