The Misinformation Society is peaking. I've never seen the MSM so consistently wrong on the stories of the day, often times just completely missing the obvious questions, focusing now on Sarah Palin's daughter, instead of why was this hurricane was so hyped.
And why, all of a sudden does this administration care about New Orleans, much of which has been rotting for 3 years.
This is the most amazing political theater I have ever seen. Sheer awesomeness.
Repubs feel their convention will be a bust (likely incorrectly), and don't want GW anywhere near the TV -we know this to be basically true.
Okay, so we're in hurricane season, no shit, we have it every year, and we have one coming, let's call it the "storm of the century", scare the shit out of everyone, terror-alert-code-orange, evacuate, save the day, send GW down there with the bat-phone and galoshes.
Then have McCain say, for the good of the country, the whole fucking Repub convention is cancelled, and get this, we're gonna fundraise for Gustav victims!
Wait a fucking second. . . these guys did not give one shit after Katrina, what is going on here, and way more important, why is no one calling them on this?
The MSM is completely lost, same with the MS biz media, they are walking the plank, running actually.
And Repubs, by all means, evacuate, raise money yes, but get in front of the country and please make your case. And don't fuck around with GW, put him up there, don't hide, there is no hiding, so get him up there and let him make his case too.
I bet he'd surprise everyone, and I also believe he will go down in history as NOT that awful, really, I mean it, no, I'm not fucking with you. Oh, just fuck off.
But, this whole fucking thing is too cute.
It is highly advisable that one never watch CNN or CNBC.