Intrade has the Obama contract at $85 (85%) which seems high, but closer to reality than polls or pundits: Landslide.
The idea is this: while I agree with my racist best friends back east on marginal taxes and all that, this whole thing is much bigger than marginal rates.
Marginal rates are a fucking joke compared to this mess.
And by the way, what kind of fucked up place have we become where we've socialized the richest people on earth (trillions to Wall Street), yet rail against socialization for the poor.
Just give me a little fucking consistency is all.
We are in dire straits here, worse than even the hyperbolic media tells us.
I give Obama a 4 out of 10 in his understanding of the economic mess. McCain gets a Blutowski, 0.0.
But, Obama has the right guys, namely Volcker, that give us a maybe 50-50 shot of pulling out of this at some point. More important, he's got the hope, the optimism, the idea that everyone still has got a shot here.
Without that last belief we are doomed, you can bring marginal rates to zero, but if Americans are miserably struggling, while bank shareholders and execs are bailed out, we'll have a no joke violent revolution by Christmas -and I'm not really into that.
Plus, I've got a shitload of clean energy call options.
Anywhoski, we'll get the Pres we deserve. Going to NYC, see you next week. If I offended you with this post, fuck off.
GW 8 more years!!