2) Guarantee All Bank Deposits. No limit, and guarantee all money markets.
3) Cut Corporate Tax Rates To Zero.
I really do not want to explain this plan. If you are of moderate intelligence, have a little bit of economics 101, and a little bit of common sense, you'll get it right away.
If not. . .oh fuck it, okay, basically this kills all the bad firms without touching Joe Public's cash savings.
This gives profitable firms like a 30%+ earnings boost. You'll see all the awful firms like Goldman, Citi, AIG, Morgan Stanley trading at zero, and firms that specialize in products NOT designed to destroy mankind trading much higher.
It's called Capitalism.
This plan has the added benefit of not bankrupting the country, and allows for your children to spend their formative years not eating each other.
What we are doing now is the opposite, throwing money at failing firms, solving our credit crisis with more credit and crony capitalism. Here's a similar idea, let's give the unibomber a cachet of WMD and tell him to build a park.
Take a breath, pause, and enjoy this: The firms most culpable for our current mess are the firms we have just bailed out.
Think about it.