You see, we think we know, we think we know, we think we know. . .
And we know nothing. Not a fucking thing. If we could just keep that straight, that we are more or less clueless as to basically everything, we maybe, just maybe, can prevent ourselves from paying $70 for a tomato in 2011.

And a special shout out to the TARP bank oligarchy for continuing to suck the lifeblood out of the free enterprise system. You'll be able to tell your grandchildren you ended it.
And by "it", I mean everything.
Humble. Humility. Humiliation.
One of the greatest life lessons ever is that every time, and I mean every single time I have become too big for my britches, I am swatted down and squashed like gnat on an elephant's ass.
What is it they say in China,"The nail that stands out gets hammered down?" Yes, something like that.
That's the new ethos. So un-American, so collectivist, yet so exactly of the moment, and China will overtake us in very short order because of it. And deservedly so.
The American ethos of consumer narcissism is fucking done.
Good riddance, we were gagging on it.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go waterboard myself.