Future history books will read as follows (in Mandarin):
Cash For Clunkers was a massive handout to the failing US car industry and lazy Americans that drove shit-boxes in response to Barack Obama's coddling of the US Banks.
As documented mostly in blogs of the era, the Banks (with the full backing of the Federal Reserve) successfully destroyed Capitalism while paying themselves enormous taxpayer funded bonuses.
Obama needed an opiate to dispel the notion that he was just another "Corporatist" (as coined by hard-core Republican Capitalist Frank Rich of the NYT). So he gave his obese citizens a $4500 voucher to buy a Toyota.
One of the first blogs to cover US Banker Satanism in 2007 was Yogatrader which went on to become the official blog of Communist California. Eventually the MSM caught wind of the rampant banker sociopathy. Here is right-wing extremist, Paul Krugman in the August 21, 2009 NYT:
"And then there’s the matter of the banks.
I don’t know if administration officials realize just how much damage they’ve done themselves with their kid-gloves treatment of the financial industry, just how badly the spectacle of government supported institutions paying giant bonuses is playing. But I’ve had many conversations with people who voted for Mr. Obama, yet dismiss the stimulus as a total waste of money. When I press them, it turns out that they’re really angry about the bailouts rather than the stimulus — but that’s a distinction lost on most voters."
This Banker Satanism torpedoed any chance of Obama achieving much needed US healthcare reform.
Obama lost the middle, and had to deal with death-panel crazies and 60 IQ US College graduates that wanted "government off their Medicare!"
So he doubled down on Clunkers until it ran out of money.
Of course, we all know Cash For Clunkers was the greatest fiddle performance of all time, as unbeknownst to the fiddler, Rome was completely engulfed in Dante's inferno.
And this of course is where glorious Communist China came to the rescue and saved the world.
As the second best US President of the 21rst century, Mr. Obama's legacy was complete.