I've warned everyone like ten times in the last month, do not buy US stocks or mutual funds even if you have a 100 year time horizon.
And do not hold US dollars either. You will be engulfed in flames as your portfolio will be incinerated and the dollar collapses.
So that's it! Closed. No more negative posts, I am delighting in the chaos to be televised this Fall. I hope you are as well.
I am also done crushing Obama. He can still turn it around, he is smart enough. I believe he is re-appointing Bernanke such that the captain can be onboard for the final iceberg.
He will reverse course soon enough, probably before the end of the year and dismantle his entire econ team post dollar crisis.
The really-not-that-smart Repubs will sweep in 2010, but they will F it up almost immediately with some xenophobic, culturally conservative idiocy, and be re-swept back out in 2012.
Barry will be re-elected to term 2 having fired his economic generals like Lincoln did his army captains.
Volcker will take over at age 100 and that is when you can get long US stocks again.
All is well. It's all vibration anyway. As Abraham Hicks says, become a vibrational match to that which you want. You will never attract what you want by focusing on the lack of it.
Become a vibrational match to Volcker.
Manifest Volcker.