Just another Corporatist.
Bank bailouts and BP...
Not that smart, not that conscious. I thought he was our first conscious President...
I was so wrong.
Actually, our founders were the most conscious: Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Hamilton; they were real mystics, connected to truth, they knew we were all one, and we were all fallible.
Limited government, limited power.
Obama, it turns out, is not that connected. He faked me out too. My apologies.
He's done...
At the time, he was the best choice, no doubt. Unless you voted for Ron Paul or Ralph Nader, then you are true Patriots and we will look to your wisdom next time.
As a matter of fact, those that voted for Paul and Nader last time should be the only only ones allowed to vote next time.
I am forfeiting my voting rights.
Paul voters on the Right and Nader voters on the Left get to vote. Anything in between, i.e. McCain or Obama voters, we failed the IQ test, we're all banned for at least 10 years.
Party Repubs and Dems alike are both the worst, most malignant forms of Corporatism out there.
We need to clean house ASAP.
I forfeit my right to vote for 10 years. I've completely opted out. Good luck, America
The system is imploding any way, fuck it...
Happy Memorial Day, remember the soldiers please, and have fun this Summer.
It's not individuals that are failing, it's governments, we'll get a new one soon, so keep on keeping on.
Hare Om.