I have a bigger responsibility here, I'm finding...
First of all, anyone that tells you they know what the future holds is lying to you.
Including me!!
I only speak in probabilities, please understand. If you're new here, some background is in order, so here ya go:
I've been involved in the financial markets on and off for 10+ years. What a fucking 10 years!!
I've seen multiple cycles, mini-bull and mini-bear markets within the context of the long-term bear.
I remember my first "real job" as a back office supplier to Merrill Lynch in the late 90's walking into the brand new World Financial Center in the World Trade Center.
In my too-big suit from Century 21, I was a mini-baller, I thought... 22 years old, clueless, scared shitless, I never made it onto the trading floor...
Not once did I think I'd ever have a shot at working there...
Seven years later, I was broker at Merrill Lynch. Five years prior to that, the World Trade Center was annihilated. Four years after Merrill hired me, I had quit, gone to India, returned and was shorting their stock into oblivion.
Dream, reality, nightmare, void. Repeat.
I've enjoyed the ride: the 2003 free money dot.bounce, worked the 2007 glitch, traded the 2008 collapse, worked the 2009 run, the just happened 2010 flash crash, traded them all.
I am a student of Mandelbrot/ Taleb and chaos. I believe there is far more risk in markets than people believe. I believe the bell curve and all it's corresponding bullshit is inapplicable to anything that goes on here. So Modern Portfolio Theory, standard deviations and 99% of the Nobel Prize nonsense that comes out of Wall Street is a sales pitch and ridiculous.
But like I said, I can only speak in probabilities.
I have no fucking clue what will happen next...
My guess is this:
Big leg down. I believe the European banks are facing the same liquidity concerns the US banks were facing in 2008, overnight lending not happening and what-not. The Euro makes no sense, the markets know this.
Of course, anything can happen, the market can rally here, it's just robots trading against each other and they'll take it wherever they want because they're fucking robots. Also, the Fed/ECB could announce another trillion dollar rescue. What's another trillion at this point...?? And it's off to the races.
And I do believe there are great things happening in this country, but the debt overhang is too big. The math does not work. So what I'm saying is: if you own stocks AND YOU NEED THE MONEY ANY TIME IN THE NEXT YEAR, sell them, get out, you had a great bounce.
Run for the hills.
I want you to be successful, I want you to be happy. The stock market is not for you. Period.
Gold, Apple and some cash, that's it. We're gonna do a down and up. Hyperinflation is the end game I believe, but for now, play it safe, and I promise to do my best to get you back in when it's time
But at the end of the day, it's your money. Keep that in mind and you'll be fine.
There that's it, let's talk kundalini yoga now.
And forever.