Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bank of America Accepts California IOUs As You Accept Bank Of America's IOUs In Never Ending Escher Economy Death Spiral

I'll be back, we gave you the California BK warning on October 14th which gave you 8+ months to sell your municipal bonds. If you did not, please go cry in the corner.

But good of BofA to accept worthless IOU paper from us, as the US taxpayer (which includes a few Californians) accepted the worthless mortgage paper they wrote in exchange for TARP funds -soon to be worthless.

Luckily we have the US Treasury printing presses running full speed printing what will soon be worthless paper such that BofA can pay their executives top dollar, such that we can finally form a Zimbabwe like economy, based on the three new US economic pillars of:

1) money printing
2) obesity
3) cash for clunkers

And thank you to TARP banks JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs for buying up spot oil and putting the barrels on tankers in storage to earn the spread between spot and futures, thereby squeezing supply and increasing the price of gasoline, taxing the US citizen twice, one enormous nation-killer tax called TARP and one just really fucking annoying tax called Exxon.

Thank goodness we saved you!

Carry on here, nothing to see.