Tuesday, October 30, 2007


the difficult thing for guys like cramer and the fast money dudes (and gal) is that they need fresh content every day.

they can't talk about the same stocks all day, every day. . .

those that know me from my Merrill days know that i've been pitching these two darlings for 3 years.

i also pitched DNA (-25%) Red Hat (-40%) and ADM (-35%), so yeah, i'm a regular nostradamus. . .

any who, sold my Nov AAPL and Nov GOOG calls today. a small gain on apple and a monster GOOGinator. still hold a ton of AAPL -just further out. oh yeah, small pos. long MER puts.

why sell? because i was nervous. why was i nervous?

well, that's psychology/ behavioralism. call it loss aversion or fear of death or whatever, just please don't make up some rational reason after the fact.

keep it real, please.

thank you.

fed day tomorrow. got some cash, where can i get some of that alibaba?? and no, no yoohoo for me. i'm a google.

much love,

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Nirvana School

going to be volunteering for a few months in India -leave in a few weeks.

it's a school in Pondicherry: http://www.nirvanaschool.org/index.htm i'm very excited.

slipped into more AAPL calls (Nov 190s) and AMZN Jan 95s today on the dip.

IRA up 43%. cash acct. up 90%. feel this blog will become the India blog soon. . .

fires seem to be calming -thank god.

Sox up 5 in game 1

om ritam namah,

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

SoCal fires

people are losing their homes -profoundly sad.

nothing to comment on now, except for that.


Friday, October 19, 2007

off the grid

in the spirit of yesterday's post, i'm going off the grid until monday -like that great movie "Into The Wild" w/ Emile Hirsch (except in Venice Beach and w/ nonstop yoga).

market getting walloped. GOOG and AAPL up = safety stocks.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

the GOOGinator

couldn't control myself, bought the GOOG Nov 710s w/ a limit order, clipped it a good price (although i'm too lazy to look it up right now -the stock was around $629-630 at the time).

after hours/ after earnings the late night trade was around $643, so it looks okay for now. . . mostly the trade was a whole lotta nothing, although we won't know for a few days.

the great part is i had yoga teacher training this afternoon, and the contrast to trading was almost too much for me to handle. by the time the GOOG earnings call started i was ready to rip someone's head off, and an hour later i'm Om-ing and practicing pranayama.

being in the training sangha (the amazing LA yoga community) made me realize what a colossal waste of time and energy my day had been. putting on a trade takes a few seconds. it did not require me to stare at blinking screens all day and pace around in my Google hat cheerleading. i can only describe the energy as frantic, manic, desperate, pathetic.

and for what. . .??



Wednesday, October 17, 2007

LULU again and again

sold the LULU calls today.

when the f--ker hit $53 i was like if i sell them and it runs to $58 tomorrow will i feel like a bigger d-----bag than if it pulls back to $47 and i didn't take profits. . .??

after like half a second, realizing i bought the calls two days ago and they were up over 150%, i realized not taking it off would have landed me in the d-bag hall of fame -cooperstown for d-bags.

so now that account is up about 12% in a month and like 50% since i feng shui-ed the tradestation 10 days ago.

and yes, that means all i hold are AAPL calls, AAPL stock and LULU stock, and 40% cash waiting on something compelling.

less is more.

w/ that, om ritam namah,

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

deck clearing

yeah, took everything off but AAPL and LULU -bought more LULU calls yesterday which are ripping.

stick w/ what got you here. Buffet says there aren't that many good ideas. amen.

out RIMM, RIO calls w/ losses, out BIDU shares flat.

still like the above, but no juice in this market, and i needed the cash to set up some sort of GOOG strangle tomorrow pre-earnings.

so sticking w/ the juice -AAPL, LULU and if i'm not LOVING it, i'm out.

tape sucks, get thru Oct., and Nov-Dec should be good.

Up marginally in the acct which is great considering market is down a few hundy.

om ritam, sold my car, going to India!!

much love,

Friday, October 12, 2007

climb that wall

great f-ing day. great week.

swinging -30% then +40%, and now up marginally (6%) overall in that retirement account i just opened.

humbling, and so goes the option game.

till monday then, no media this weekend.

well, maybe a little. . .


Thursday, October 11, 2007

holy f---ing sh-t!

days like this are what make me love trading. i was out of the gate early (see prev. post) sold my BA and ICE calls at their highs of the day, and was sitting pretty mid day, my retirement account (that i pack with derivatives) at an all time high. . .

then late afternoon (east coast) the market nosedives, like off a cliff, and i can't get any rationale, not that there ever, ever needs to be one, so i'm like holy f---ing sh-t, let's buy some of this, and better yet let me dump my AAPL 145 puts that have been killing me, were way out of the money, and expire next week, and i was able to recoup 25%-30% of my cost basis which was fantastic considering they were worthless yesterday and will be worthless next week (i hope). now, i'm just long the stock and calls, fully committed to steve jobs.

so i'm scooping up RIMM, BIDU, LULU calls and common on the mayhem, and at close had swung back roughly 70% the day's losses -which would have been MAJOR had i not been trading excessively.

sometimes excess works. sometimes, not so much. . .

om namah shivaya.


ritam continued

sun about to come up over the mountains in LA -magic.

so blessed, so blessed, so blessed, thank you, thank you, thank you.

om namah shivaya.

morning ritam

up at 4 AM and fully caffeinated which can only mean one thing. . .

that's right, excessive trading.

actually, i do honor the natural rhythms (ritams) and if i'm up, there must be a cosmic reason, so today on the docket: selling into strength (market about to rip on Wal-Mart results), need to unload my ICE -expires next week, and probably take this opp to get out of BA. looking at AKAM, and some far out calls on GOOG.

we shall see. . .

om ritam namah.


Monday, October 8, 2007

feng shui

yesterday, i feng shui-ed my trade station back to the money spot, and today had my biggest day (in dollar terms) of the year. APVAT Apple Jan 200s did all the heavy lifting w/ an assist from my near term ICE 165s.

i had been so crushed in this account (the IRA) however, that i'm just getting back to even (still off about 10% which isn't a biggie in the option universe).

quite humbling. especially in light of my most recent RIO and BA calls sucking so far. the good news is my puts (short positions) are basically worthless, and therefore i have suffered all the losses that i'm gonna suffer on those positions, and still hold a bit of insurance in case of calamity.

life is suffering.

suffering is from attachment to worldly things like option prices and account balances.

suffering is optional.

the Buddhist eightfold path, yoga and the like, are good remedies.

i still get really angry though.

yeah, i'm feeling something major this week, not necessarily down, but something dislocating -like dislocating your tooth when you were 7, but worse. . . this feeling is based on being irritated at the contents of my tofu and the most recent yogitimes astrology.

getting my vedic astrological chart done tomorrow -it's like a forward looking stock chart of your life based on planetary stuff.

i'm hoping it shows a double bottom. . .

god bless,
enjoy the ritam,

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

getting smacked

doubled down on RIO.

will triple if it goes near 30.

moving my trade station for better prana/ chi.

om namah shivaya!!


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

BIDU. . .

. . .saves the day. anyway, i'm kinda done rehashing my trades bc it's boring the hell out of me + no one is going to have any idea what i'm talking about.

okay, one more time: sold my BIDU and GOOG calls for gains, took a loss on my CROX calls, got long AAPL stock and Jan 200 calls to go w/ my Oct puts that have been clobbering me. also, got long Nov calls on RIO and BA (Boeing). feel better about my positions (less crazy town/ more in line w/ my over-all view -long global growth/ the calender/ mock t). BIDU helped me recover a third of my losses in the IRA (now down about 12-13%), and oh yeah, sold my Dec LULU calls for $8 in my cash account (which is up 130% and cashed out 180% of my principle). okay, confused. . .?

exactly, so from here on out, less trade talk, i promise. when i actually get readers, it will matter. . .

for now, don't pay any attention to me. oh, that's right, no one is reading this. . .

carry on.


Monday, October 1, 2007

how the f-ck am I still short AAPL??!!

okay, time to right the ship.

got cute in my IRA, bought AAPL puts, waiting for a pullback to initiate long AAPL common, now initiating myself as a jackass.

down 20% in that account, GOOG calls only thing working (see prev. posts),

Disaster (although, still up over 100% in my cash account (the LULU straddle).

time to wake up, get back in the ritam (cosmic rhythm), get humble, book some losses, and move on. . .

f-cking awesome weekend though!
