No crying.
My argument, my complaint, my whining last post, has been pointed out to be a bit of a cry.
And way simplistic...
Looking back, it's true, I needed a good cry as the Atlantic Ocean was destroyed.
And I put all the blame on Obama which is patently ridiculous. This problem, this mindset, has been in the making for decades.
It's not your fault, Will! It's not your fault!!
This fucking problem we are having, with multiple species extinction, and oil blob Hampton vacays, is symbolic, is karmically appropriate for our time, and it boils down to this...
We are completely unconscious.
We have no reverence for anything. We want cheap oil so we can get to the job we hate, so we can buy the huge fucking TV, such that we can go completely numb to everything.
American Idol, Dancing With the Dead Dolphins, whatever the fuck the distraction du jour is, gimme some of that, baby! My job sucks and my marriage has become a fucking suicide pact, gimme some facebook status updates!
Oooooooohhhh, calm down guy, take it easy, we all deserve a break, it will all be allright, we don't need to understand any of this... Eighth grade math and fourth grade science are unimportant.. With a liberal arts education, you can have it all!
Look, Obama did not cause any of this, not even close, and he was on the right side of most of these issues before he took command. And he is taking the No-Drama analytical approach which is exactly what he ran on, this is exactly what he promised.
But like the banking implosion, his analytic model is this: let the destroyers be the fixers because hey, this is too fucking complicated, they know best... Thank you Henry Paulson. TARP/ ZIRP was the greatest thing ever for Goldman Sachs and what is good for Goldman has obviously been great for mankind! Look at how great things are now. We did it, America!
Irrationally, I was looking for a bit of drama. Sometimes we need some fucking drama. As Spike Lee said, "Go off!" PR matters, it's energy, it's vibration. It fucking matters.
Bill Clinton... fuck even George W. Bush, would have been down there in waders pulling dolphins out of the ocean, tears welling up.

This country needs exactly this: take BP by the fucking neck, say, "Hey fucko, you're done here, Exxon owns you if they can plug this thing, and even if they cannot, you're still done, in all sincerity, go fuck yourself, good luck in prison. No tears."
My best of friends says PR is irrelevant, what matters is practically fixing the problem, and that cutting down Obama is both way simplistic and counter-productive. He's right, realistically, practically... there is nothing Obama can do about this disaster that is years in the making.
Obama was and maybe still is our last hope. He needs our support, and I support our President as I support this amazing country where I get to make my case and project my voice at full volume.
What does matter is this. The country needs him to lead. Go Drama! Stand the fuck up, make us believe this is being handled, so we can get on with it.
Stand up to the Corporate Disaster that has marked your Presidency. Risk it all. Risk impeachment. Risk your legacy. At this point, you have absolutely nothing to lose.