Wednesday, September 26, 2007

back on the mac

thank ganesha, i'm back on my mac after a month+ working on the Dell/ MSFT Abacus model 2000. it feels naaaice.

anyway, i straddled LULU today -nice one, gotta love finance jargon. bought the Oct 40 puts (for a buck??) to compliment my Dec 40 calls (up 20%-ish), basically locking it in -hopefully, unless the stock doesn't move at all (in either direction) in a month.

also, i did all kinds of crazy sh-- in my IRA today (as it just funded). i really don't wanna get into all of it, but it feels wildly reckless. . . calls on crox, way out of the money calls on GOOG & BIDU, and puts on CMG, and APPL (all Oct expiration).

i love AAPL too, my favorite, but i like to own puts on AAPL when it runs, and today the puts felt more attractive than the calls, or getting long the common (of which i have limit buy orders). i never hold the AAPL puts for more than a few points, bc i'm mondo bullish on mock t. also, i feel like making money on both directions, that way i don't need to be bullish or bearish, i can be both.

CMG was a random short (put) my mom gave me. oddly, i love Chipolte. weird, i know. did i mention i live w/ my mom. . .

you really should not be listening to anything i say. please, go.

i fully subscribe to Taleb's (The Black Swan) philosophy of overweighting cash and juicing w/ options, although i'm mostly juicing to tell the truth . . .

*and, i am quite aware that all my positions, long and short, can all move against me. . . om namah shivaya!!

life is risk. swaha!!

om ritam namah -yoga teacher training next 4 days, so till then, may the long time sun shine upon you.
