Monday, September 24, 2007

Global Mala

om namah shivaya! global mala '07 was amazing saul, shiva, govindas, gurmukh (do it!) and donna delory!! donna delory is a true goddess -completely blew my mind and i would marry her today. donna. . .? jai ma! jai ma! jai ma durga. . .!! the LA yoga community is off the charts and i am grateful, constantly humbled and amazed that i get to hang around with these great yogis. namaste, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!!

okay, so back to bizness, i sold the AAPL Oct 150s today for a nice gain (in at 3.3, out at 5.3). i could give you all the ex-post-facto analysis, but the truth is i took a 3 hour nap, woke up 19 minutes to close, heard some bad stuff (bernstein, housing) and quite frankly needed the money, so took profits. i've extracted 130% of my initial cost basis and still hold my Dec LULUs so i'm up 80% in 5 weeks (and one day), and am now completely playing w/ the houses money. om namah lakshmi!

part of the yogatrader philosophy is that we trade so we can have experiences (trips, education) and give stuff away (to friends, to charity), not to accumulate all kinds of stuff, or build this giant portfolio. in yoga, we always talk about setting the intention, not in a super goal-oriented way, but in a humble, more, "how can i best be of service" type of way. don't worry, i'm not gonna get all preachy here, but most traders (that have been in the game a helluva lot longer than me) would likely agree, that humbleness and clear intention are important attributes of a successful trader. Google "Ed Sekoyta -Market Wizard", for more of that great Trader shakti!

okay friends, it's good to be back. this week, i'm gonna start moving toward a more palatable style of writing, more user-friendly, more analytical and linkable, less directly personal, but i wanted to have these first few entries on record so that you may get a bit of sense of where i'm coming from and who i am. thanks for your indulgence.

humbly yours,