Friday, November 2, 2007


holy f-ing shit! it's getting squirrelly out there. figured i do a mid-session post to liven things up -lively! i was getting hammered this morning, so i started trimming my CROX, thanks to f-ing cramer who killed it last night, right or wrong, he will move a stock, so can't fight the tape and in the short term, can't fight cramer.

my MER puts, again coming up superman, sold them for a double, also had a very small pos yesterday on BSC on the Jimmy Cayne pot smoking -i was long the pot smoking to hedge MER puts -the idea being Cayne was cooler than anyone at MER by a mile high, baby!

okay so we seem to have stabilized, as you know AAPL is half my portfolio, so when it sneezes -aaaachooo steve jobs, i get hit, last check i'm down about 2-3% from where i started the week, still up about 40% in that account over-all, although like 20 minutes ago, i was down quite a bit more -options baby!

cleaned house, and am about 30-40% cash, still very long AAPL, small option positions in AMZN & CROX and small equity pos in LULU.

but gotta get back to staring at my screen and cheerleading! big G, little O, little O big G, GOOG, GOOG, GOOG!!

man, i need a yoga class, 10:30 w/ saul works very well.

om namah shivaya!!
