Monday, December 3, 2007

Nirvana School Day 1

Links aren't working out for me here but this is the school in Pondicherry I started at today.

If not, just Google it, please.

Basically, it is a donation based school that allows for the lowest caste kids an opportunity to go to school.

Otherwise, they would literally not be in any school at all.

I'm not that educated on the caste system, so at the risk of sounding like a total ignorant, a-hole, American, it's probably one of the most evil human social constructs of all time, and is still perpetuated here today.

There, I said it.

Today was my first day, the kids went bananas, jumping all around me in their little red uniforms, 'Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! nonstop.

I'm teaching yoga (surreal -the American guy teaching Indian kids yoga), and more importantly English reading/ writing and real basic computer stuff, and finally and most importantly just being there, showing up for them.

These kids are far behind the curve, so I'm pushing for them to just go full out learning English as best they can, what w/ Bangalore and Chennai very close, I know there will be tremendous opportunity there if they can step it up. I know that's key, and the other key is just letting go of all that expectation and just being present with them.

Om Namah Shivaya,