Friday, December 7, 2007

Yoga Class 3:45 Tues, Wed, Thurs

The yoga class is totally awesome. It's twenty 5-10 year olds w/ limited English and unlimited enthusiasm. So we go bananas every Tues, Wed, Thurs at 3:45.

Yesterday one of my students got hurt. Nice job, I know. I have no control over them, zero, but they go all out, full on, trying the poses, and I love them for that.

During "yoga dance", he either fell or was pushed on the concrete floor where we practice.

He's on the floor crying, I start screaming "ahemsa (nonviolence)!! ahemsa!! ahemsa!!!

That got a big laugh, albeit completely unintentional.

Anyway, he was crying for like an hour, and needed ice, but of course no ice in India, so he suffered bravely, still crying when I left, and no joke I was relieved to see him alive this morning.

As I walk through town to the bus, an enormous elephant (Ganesha) blesses women in front of temple w/ her trunk, and baboons chill on the sidewalk next to a dying human.

Still not quite over that dying human in the street thing.

But it's only been three weeks. . .

much love,