Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Nirvana School, Yoga and Such

A 4 year old girl round-housed me in the groin yesterday marking my last week at the School. Other than that little anecdote, I'm beginning to feel that my time spent here is kind of private. Suffice it to say that it was one of the miracles of my (not so) young life and I am forever grateful to Vinu Masi and the children for allowing me to spend some time here.

Tomorrow, I bus to Bangalore for yet another LA yoga retreat -for symmetry. As difficult as this journey has been, the thousand acts of letting go it entailed, I am constantly being presented with material evidence of it's perfection.

Such that my India voyage began with a bunch of LA yogis, so it will also end, albeit totally unplanned. The space between seems like a lifetime. The space between WAS a small lifetime -mostly difficult, scary, arduous, even tedious and boring at times, yet also ecstatic, ridiculous, blissful and hysterically funny.

I didn't come here to "find myself", or find a guru, or to sit under a banyan tree. I came here to right some Accounts, so to speak, to balance out some credits and debits. Of course, the journey is ongoing, but I could leave here today feeling complete.

Lucky me though, I get to go see my teacher and friends in Bangalore first, then a bit of time in Pune to visit some old, new friends, and finally Bombay to LA baby. I keep saying this, but I'm the luckiest dude in the world. Om Namah Shivaya.

Gratitude Attitude,