Monday, October 8, 2007

feng shui

yesterday, i feng shui-ed my trade station back to the money spot, and today had my biggest day (in dollar terms) of the year. APVAT Apple Jan 200s did all the heavy lifting w/ an assist from my near term ICE 165s.

i had been so crushed in this account (the IRA) however, that i'm just getting back to even (still off about 10% which isn't a biggie in the option universe).

quite humbling. especially in light of my most recent RIO and BA calls sucking so far. the good news is my puts (short positions) are basically worthless, and therefore i have suffered all the losses that i'm gonna suffer on those positions, and still hold a bit of insurance in case of calamity.

life is suffering.

suffering is from attachment to worldly things like option prices and account balances.

suffering is optional.

the Buddhist eightfold path, yoga and the like, are good remedies.

i still get really angry though.

yeah, i'm feeling something major this week, not necessarily down, but something dislocating -like dislocating your tooth when you were 7, but worse. . . this feeling is based on being irritated at the contents of my tofu and the most recent yogitimes astrology.

getting my vedic astrological chart done tomorrow -it's like a forward looking stock chart of your life based on planetary stuff.

i'm hoping it shows a double bottom. . .

god bless,
enjoy the ritam,