Tuesday, October 16, 2007

deck clearing

yeah, took everything off but AAPL and LULU -bought more LULU calls yesterday which are ripping.

stick w/ what got you here. Buffet says there aren't that many good ideas. amen.

out RIMM, RIO calls w/ losses, out BIDU shares flat.

still like the above, but no juice in this market, and i needed the cash to set up some sort of GOOG strangle tomorrow pre-earnings.

so sticking w/ the juice -AAPL, LULU and if i'm not LOVING it, i'm out.

tape sucks, get thru Oct., and Nov-Dec should be good.

Up marginally in the acct which is great considering market is down a few hundy.

om ritam, sold my car, going to India!!

much love,